Shoe Fetish Clips

Hot girls and sexy shoes

Goddess Katrina loves heels. Her man had bought her a new designer pair and she loved it. She matched it with a red thong as she showed them off to her man. He did not expect that but he loved what he saw and he knew he would be buying them a lot if that was the reception he was going to get from her every time he bought her shoes.

Lady Victoria wanted to use her feet to tease her man. She knew he had a fetish for feet and so she used her fee to to tease him and he noticed immediately. He wanted her to get naughty with her feet and she did not have an issue with that but she wanted to make him beg for it. So she removed her birkenstocks and she showed him her bare feet and he wanted to play with them.

Lady Victoria wanted to show off her sexy feet. She knew that this guy was already horny and she had to add fuel to the fire for fun. She wanted to see what he would do. But she did not want to make it all too obvious. That is why she chose to show off her sexy feet in her red birkenstocks and draw attention to them. It worked and the guy tried to hit on her.

This mistress loves high heel boots. She bought a new pair today and she needed to find out whether they were what she wanted and whether they were fit for the purpose she had bought them for. So she wore them and she took a walk in them. She even tried to crush a few things to see how they behaved. She liked all that she saw and experienced with the boots.

Mistress Luna wanted to catch the attention of her husband who was working on his computer. She did not want to call him or say anything. She had worn a pair of tights she knew he loved and so she knew if he checked her out, he would want her. So she dangled her flip flops and it did not take long for him to glance at her direction and it went down as she had known it would.

Mistress Claudia has sexy feet and she loves shoe fetish as well. She wanted to use foot fetish to get brand new designer shoes from her husband. So she used her sexy feet to entertain him and as he had fun and enjoyed what she did, she convinced him that her feet would do better in the shoes she wanted and if he bought them, he would keep enjoying what she did to him.

Mistress Sophia acted as if she was interested in showing this guy her high heel boots but all she was doing was to make him check out her sexy ass. She was only wearing her boots and her thong. He could not even check out her shoes as he was fixated on her ass and on her tits. And she laughed as she confused him and had fun playing with his mind.

This mistress wanted this guy to do her a favor but she knew it was unlikely for him to do it so she had to come up with a way to make it easier for him. So the mistress used her high heels to do it. The mistress teased him with them and she knew that if that did not work, she would threaten him with them. The teasing did not work but scaring him did.

This mistress was wearing her sexy heels and she flaunted them but she was also wearing a miniskirt and her sexy legs and especially thighs showed. The guy loved what he saw and she took advantage of that to humiliate him by having him lick her feet and her high heels. He did it to please her and did not know that she was using him for her own fun.

Goddess Nika wanted to give this guy a piece of her mind and that is why she chose to make him lick her smelly and dirty feet. In addition to that, the mistress had him do the same with her feet. She ensured that he was not in pain but that he was humiliated in a way he had never been humiliated before. He never messed with her again after that.

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